Friday, February 26, 2010

Gir is Awesome!

My all-time favorite cartoon character is Gir from Invader Zim. I love Gir because Gir is insane, random and crazy. Nothing Gir ever says has anything to do with anything.

I am really scared and excited right now because I'm going on the snowboarding trip today. We are leaving this afternoon at 1:45. I looked up where we are going on Google Earth and I found out that Wrightwood, CA is about 120 miles away. I think that that is around a 3 or 4 hour drive. I already know that I'm going to fall a lot, and I'm going to come back all bruised. Regardless of the pain, I think that this weekend will be a lot of fun. :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Random Post Time!

So, I am really scared right now because if the boy's basketball team wins their game tonight, then I am going on the snowboarding trip this weekend. I am scared because I’ve never been snowboarding before. I’m afraid that I’ll fall on my face and die. Also, tomorrow I might go to Cirque Du Soleil. I’m kind of excited but at the same time I’m not very enthusiastic about it. Instead of going, I think I just want to go into Escondido and hang out at my favorite places. I love being in Escondido because, despite my history there, I have a lot of great memories there.
Yesterday was a lot of fun. I went to starbucks and I had a giant lollipop. I got really hyper, and by the time I went to bed I had a massive headache.

Friday, February 19, 2010

10SSO 2/19/10

My week has been many things, so far. What it has been the most though is confusing. There has ben a lot going on, and a lot of drama in my life this week. I am kind of looking forward to this weekend because I need a break from school. I also am happy about the weekend because all of my friends are going on pass and I need some time to myself to think about everything that's going on. I am also looking forward to next wednesday because my mentor may be taking me to Cirque Du Soleil.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

10SSO 2/17/10

When I was younger, I wanted to be a veterinarian. I used to really love animals and I wanted to do something to help other people. Over the years, I have frequently changed my mind about what I want to be. At one point, I actually wanted to be a mathematician. At that point in time, I was really obsessed with school and success. Now, when I grow up, I want to be an editor for books. I want to do this because I really love reading and writing now, and I want a job that utilizes both skills.

Friday, February 12, 2010

10SSO 2/12/10

Yesterday was the best day I have had all week. My therapist took me off campus. We picked up my best friend Jade. Sally, my therapist, took Jade and I to Panda Express. After we left Panda Express we went to Walmart and met up with another of our friends, Jesse. We spent two hours at Walmart exploring the jewelry and seasonal departments. We spent the majority of our time in the arcade trying to win little prizes. Yesterday was an especially good day because I got to see my best friend two days before the anniversary of my other best friend's disappearance.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Yesterday was fun! =D

Yesterday was a really fun day. I spent the day, afterschool, with my mentor. First, we wnt into Escondido and we went to the Del Taco right next to my old high school. I liked being there because it brought back a lot of good memories. Because it was raining, we couldn't go to the beach as planned. So after we went to Del Taco we went to the Walmart on Nordahl. I was a little scared about going there because my mom works there and I was worried I might run into her. Once I realized my mom wasn't there I relaxed and started to have exploring the familiar aisles. We ended up spending about two hours in Walmart. When my mentor brought me back I spent the rest of the night, outside in the rain, on my skateboard. I was out in front of the girls' rec with one af my house parents and i ended up falling twice. Both times I fell I landed on the same leg, in the same puddle. Aside from falling, I had a lot of fun just hanging out in the rain and goofing off. =D

My favorite kind of person is...

My favorite kind of person is the kind that always lies and betrays your trust... Really? No, no it's not. That is actually the complete opposite of my favorite type of person. Honestly, if you're going to be my friend, I want you to be someone I can count on. Someone that no matter what, will always be there for me when i really need them. I don't want a friend that always lies to me and makes promises they can't keep. Really? Who are you fooling? What's the point of keeping me around when all you do is hurt me? Are you some sick-minded person that reaps joy from my pain and humiliation?
i cant hate you Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, February 5, 2010

10SSO 2/5/10

I am having an pretty bad week. All of my friends are really upset and it's starting to depress me. Also, I was panning to go to the hospital today and see my grandfather and i am no longer able to because he is going into surgery today. I'm really scared because, first of all, I don't like hospitals so it freaks me out when someone i care about has to spend time there and, second of all, he had a heart attack and im really afraid that he could die. I don't really know how i can make my week get much better.