Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I Could Have Stopped This

She was on this street (Stanley Avenue) because she came to my house to walk to school with me. If only I had been home, I could have been with her. If only I had called her like I had planned on doing. The only reason I didn't call her was because I was stupid and lazy and I didn't want to walk up the hill to her driveway. There are so many ways I could have prevented what happened and I hate myself for not doing what I could have. I was being a bad friend because we had been fighting over something and I that's another reason why I didn't call her, because I was being stubborn and close-minded. She had even told me once that she didn't want to walk alone. I always called her to walk with her and, if I had that day, it's possible that none of this would have happened. If I had called she wouldn't have walked up our street to my house and she never would have been in John Gardner's path.

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